What you will need:
These guided walks are over sometimes steep and uneven ground, you will need to be confident of your ability over rough terrain.
Ideally you need to be a reasonably fit walker to enjoy these walks
In Greece the walks will build throughout the week to develop your fitness and gently allow you to acclimatise to the hotter weather.
The guided walks in Greece range from 3 hours to 8 hours, which will include plenty of time for soaking up the surroundings.
These walks are about enjoying the experience, the walks can be long, but unhurried, tailored to meeting your needs..
Your walking kit list
Greek Odyssey:
- Walking shoes or sandals (I prefer walking sandals that I can also swim in) nb: apart from the mountain ridge walk, where I would recommend shoes or boots
- Rucksack
- Drinking bottle
- Walking sticks (if you use them)
- A decent 1st aid kit i.e. blister plasters, pain killers, bandage, sun-cream, after-sun, anti histamine, kilt pins, gaffer tape, sanitary towels etc.
- Swimming gear
- Bit of money for tavernas, buses, postcards etc.
- Camera
- Waterproof bag for camera/phone etc.
Welsh wanderings:
- All of the left hand column, plus
- waterproofs and extra warm clothes (just in case!)
- Swimwear is optional as when by water you may be tempted to get in!
- A packed lunch and plenty to drink
- Sitting mat can be an added luxury
- Plus any spending money should be in sterling and not euros….
- For the Hammock walk it may be a good idea to bring something warm to wear if it’s not a super warm day (but of course, it will be!).
- For the Songlines walk it is advised that you bring along plenty of water to wet your whistle and perhaps something to sit on for when we stop for our lunch and tea & cake.
- For the night walks you will need warm clothes and a good torch
Grade of the guided walks:
Fairly gentle – mainly level and downhill but uneven paths, rough ground at times (2-3 hours of walking) | Moderate – up and downhill, over stiles and rough ground (4-6 hours of walking) | Strenuous – gaining a height up to 1455 metres, rough ground, some scrambling (6-10 hours of walking) |